No one ever really wants to have to go to court to settle a legal dispute. You would rather settle it outside the courtroom on amicable grounds. Well, sometimes that just is not possible. If you are not happy with that expensive new purchase, you are in the midst of a contract dispute or your debt recovery process is becoming too complicated. Civil litigation might be the next step for you.

What is Civil Litigation?

Civil litigation is the process of bringing a claim under the court procedure. This attempts to resolve public and private legal disputes by encouraging negotiation or in some cases using the courts. It may sound a lot scary than it is but in some cases, Civil litigation and obtaining that impartial Judgment is the only way to resolve your dispute. This can mean that your back and forth, never ending legal disagreements can be finished once and for all.

Do You Need Civil Litigation?

Here at Concept Law we are solicitors based just outside Accrington near Colne. We handle many different cases from start to finish. These can include personal injury, defective goods, debt recovery, breach of contract and many more.
If your legal disputes are just not being resolved and you feel you need our help then we would be happy to help. As a firm of solicitors, we cover areas all over the north-west including Accrington, Blackburn, Colne and Nelson.

Contact us:

For more information about what we do, what claims we can help with and how civil litigation works then trust in our solicitors firm in Nelson next to Accrington. Visit us here.


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